About Investtools

We are a company focused on the best technology solutions for the financial market, operating with excellence in service and with a high level of technological innovation. We work on several simultaneous fronts, with products aimed at asset managers, brokers, distributors, independent agents, individuals, and research. In addition, we provide state-of-the-art training and consulting.

How we started

Born in 2007 with a focus only on solutions for brokerage firms, Investtools has always grown in search of important and unprecedented solutions for the financial market. In 2009, Perform It is developed as an innovative software where the client could have full control of the investment flow of his asset management firm. In 2014, under the command of new partners, the company was re-founded. In 2017, new products and companies emerge, such as Grana Capital, Arcon It and Blockchain Studio. In the last four years, we have considerably increased the number of clients, expanded our team and continued to develop new technological tools. This is just the beginning of a path with many innovations ahead, always developing the best solutions for the market.
A Investtools


Our quality in the development of both technological and financial solutions creates immediate customer satisfaction, with very high approval of our products and an exit rate close to zero.

What drives us

We are driven by the challenge of constant innovation and customer satisfaction. We work to become a reference in the market, as a company of technological excellence and a reference in the financial area. If you, like us, believe that technology is vital for the financial market, Investtools is ideal for you and your company.